Sales is challenging enough without the threat of a recession

While everyone seems to agree social selling is a proven sales technique that should be in your outbound sales channel mix, not many seem to have cracked the code and end up going on a liking and commenting spree without any plan. For some, it comes naturally, but for some, it might look like a humongous task you might as well live without. Few have seen success, while some have pondered if it’s all just about showing up and commenting.

In this webinar, we help break it down to you with the help of someone who is not only passionate about social selling, but have also seen enormous success with it in their role as a sales rep.

Meet The Speakers

Evan Patterson
Evan Patterson
David Youngblood
David Youngblood

In this session, you will learn how to

Use others’ LinkedIn content to book meetings

Use your own LinkedIn content to book meetings

Leverage Slack to book meetings